WHY? If you are fascinated by Paris's amazing yet often murky, unknown, or off-beat, hidden history and essence 60secondparis is you you! It is inspired by an irrepressible passion (mine) to explore, unveil and share the exhilarating blinking story-buoys strung across the Paris landscape with anyone who has ever fallen under its heady spell, is already under it, or who longs to experience it! If you enjoy this, share it, and help spread the word!

We always always ahunt for the unique idea, the marvelous, urban gem glimmering against a withering background of clichés. In a city whose history spans multiple millennia we take that gem, event, person or event yet to ping on anyone else’s story radar...dust it off and alchemize back to its original wonder. Be these once famous landmarks, faded faces or forgotten places, scientific and world firsts, lasts, ...or singular achievements from across all fields (Aviation, Science, Technology) or a spontaneously captured urban mise-en-scène...etc. Anything that might go WOW in the back of you mind.

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Unique musings & insights into Parisian life: History, lore, lifestyle & people & ideas to the hidden or forgotten tales, amazing firsts, lasts, famous or infamous, The hidden, the faded, forgotten & amazing! A CLICHÉ FREE ZONE!


Stories on Paris's hidden past, present & more. The tales, famous faces or forgotten places, people, ideas & more. My impressions, takes and sharing of Parisian life. Please enjoy. Share & Comment. Questions Welcomed!